I didn’t really share my thoughts in the video, huh? As you can see, it’s difficult for me to speak or eat right now, due to the “chin bra” I’m wearing. Lets just say, pain meds are good and I can’t wait until those next doses. I will say this is a lot more intense than I thought, even though I looked at pictures and listened to stories of others who have been through it. I know everyone’s pain tolerances are different. I’m in about a 5 of 10 right now. I wish it were lower, but I’m sucking it up because I will not start an addiction to pain meds. I am powering through it and I know it won’t last. Parts that were hurting yesterday don’t hurt today. The biggest annoyance is the numbness in my lower lip and chin.

I’m still feeling good about having the surgery. At no point in my life did I ever think I would have $85,000+ of plastic surgery to my face, but here we are. I have faith in Dr. Fisher’s abilities and know that I will come out looking beautiful! I know I’ve had passing privilege for a while now, but when I looked into the mirror, all I saw was a man’s face staring back at me. I’ve still got a facelift, necklift, and electrolysis to go – but I think I can have all that completed in the next year. So, hopefully when I turn 45, I’ll see a Goddess looking back at me. 🙂

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